This article is for TEACHERS.

When you complete a course, you can download your certificate.

You might notice some courses showing as "incomplete" even after earning your certificate. Don't worry, it's likely because the course was updated after your completion.

At Teacha! Inspire, we're committed to constantly improving our courses to provide you with the best content and value. Occasionally, updates might impact the course status, but rest assured that any certificates earned before these updates remain completely valid.

As part of your access to the course, you are also able to access the updated content at no additional charge. To see which parts of your course have been added, open your course and view any lessons that you have not yet completed. You can also click the "Continue" button in your course panel.

Should you encounter any concerns or have questions about your course status, feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

For additional help, reach out to