Teacha! is an online marketplace where you can find thousands of resources made by teachers, for teachers. You can also sell your own resources.

You'll need to sign in to Teacha! using your Snapplify account:

To log in to Teacha

  1. Visit teacharesources.com. 
  2. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, hover over the user icon. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Sign In’.
  3. On the next page, click 'Sign in with Snapplify'.
  4. Enter your Snapplify login details and sign in with Snapplify, or sign in using your Google account, Microsoft account, or Apple ID.

    If you don't yet have a Snapplify account (and if you don't want to sign in using your existing Google, Microsoft, or Apple credentials), click 'Not registered?' to register a new Snapplify account.

To log in to Teacha from Snapplify Engage

  1. From your Institution's Engage platform, select the Teacha! Resources option from the 'More options' section in the top navigation bar

  2. You will be redirected to visit teacharesources.com. where you can follow the steps above to Sign in

Once logged in, you’ll be able to begin Finding the resources you need on the Teacha! website all the resources you need, or register as a seller to sell resources.

Did you know that you can also find free and discounted resources for teachers through Snapplify Engage? Learn more about the Snapplify Teacha! Benefits programme.

Need help? Email us at [email protected].